Updated: 2011-06-30 17:43:03

An innovator, who changed the lawn care world for the better, died on Saturday from natural causes at age 85. George C. Ballas introduced the Weed Eater in the early 1970’s and had created a multi-million dollar business by 1976. Ballas’ invention, more commonly known as the weed whacker, is said to have surfaced when [...]
Updated: 2011-06-30 04:07:08
Our previous two blogs have been dedicated to sharing information concerning integrated pest management protocol techniques with the DIY pest controller. If you are only joining us today, the first blog which concerned itself with general background and necessity of IPM can be viewed here. The second blog, which was dedicated to step one in [...]
Updated: 2011-06-28 04:37:05
Previously, we introduced to you the concept of IPM, or integrated pest management, as an option for the DIY pest controller. It is a holistic process of reviewing and addressing pest control needs, with increased outcomes and decreased toxicity for our ecosystems. Presently, I would like to enlighten you to the more detailed steps involved [...]
Updated: 2011-06-23 11:27:09
Bees: Warmer weather and tons of blooming flowers will have bees swarming, as well as looking for places to expand and create a new hive. Having bee hives near your home can be dangerous to your family and pets, especially if you have a family member with any bee related allergies. Bees are so important [...]
Updated: 2011-06-23 11:27:08
Radcliffe’s IPM World Textbook lists the definition of Integrated Pest Management as follows: Integrated pest management can be defined as the practice of preventing or suppressing damaging populations of insect pests by application of the comprehensive and coordinated integration of multiple control tactics. Tactics are the various control methodologies, e.g., chemical, biological, cultural. Strategies are [...]
Updated: 2011-06-22 20:26:44

Hello, Thank you for contacting us. We have a special New York Bed Bug kit especially for your state. You will be able to use all of the products in the kit in New York. The following is the link to the kit : http://www.pestmall.com/new-york-bed-bug-control-kit-kill-bedbugs.html If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free [...]
Updated: 2011-06-22 02:19:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Term Alert Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial Vegetation Management LEED Organic Facilities Schools
Updated: 2011-06-20 19:22:01

Captain Dale the New Mexico bed bug dog was featured on channel 4 news, here is a preview. Call 505-293-7378 for more information.
Updated: 2011-06-20 16:21:24

Call 505-293-7378 for more information about having your structure checked for bed bugs. Dale will be happy to find them for you.
Updated: 2011-06-19 21:48:00
On this fathers day I thought I'd write a quick post on "daddy" pests and the only one I could come up with was the daddy longs legs spider. How fair is this? The females have the queen bee, the lady bug, the black widow has her story, but the guys...not so much. If anyone out there has any ideas or stories post the in the comments, and have a happy Father's Day!<img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/26787380-1767655512444113301?l=pestcontrolinfo.blogspot.com' alt='' /
Updated: 2011-06-18 12:18:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Saturday , June 18, 2011 Green Beetles Green beetles are no doubt pests that people hate to deal with , and the worst thing you can do is not deal with it . The reason for this is because these green beetles are most likely Japanese beetles which are highly destructive plant and turf . pests These beetles came to America for vacation at the Jersey Shore one day and decided to stay way back in the early 1900's . They have grown ever since , being sighted in more than 22 states across the . county These Japanese beetles are extremely destructive in both their adult and larvae form , which is why it is so important to get them and keep them under control
Updated: 2011-06-17 18:15:00
When Bedbugs Became News, the Bedbug Registry Became a Debated Source
For three years, hardly anyone noticed the quirky little Web site Maciej Ceglowski created to keep track of bedbugs.
Since we are heading into the summer months and of course what do we usually do during the when the kids are on break...we travel, meaning we are staying at hotels and motels. Before making reservations visit the Bed Bug registry today.
Updated: 2011-06-17 17:50:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Term Alert Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial Vegetation Management LEED Organic Facilities Schools
Updated: 2011-06-12 00:41:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Saturday , June 11, 2011 Roaches I used to get many calls about roaches all of a sudden showing up in a clients kitchen . They never had roaches in the past and their home is clean . So where do they come from Most of the time they come in on a delivery or shopping order , believe it or not , roaches also live in super markets . As clean of a place as the store might be , it is almost impossible to keep roaches out of a building that is constantly getting deliveries like a super market . So when you bring home a shopping order , chances are you may bring home a bug or two that you don't . want Another way you may suddenly get roaches is if you have a
Updated: 2011-06-11 23:56:28

505-293-7378(PEST) to learn about how you can become bed bug free with the use of Dale the Bed bug dog.
Updated: 2011-06-10 20:39:45

Today, consumers need to watch out for all of the fumigation scams that are going on in Orange County. One fumigation company was raided by officials for allegedly doing over 700 fumigations and not reporting any of them to our county officials. Chances are that none of these jobs were done correctly and little if [...]
Updated: 2011-06-10 20:16:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Term Alert Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial Vegetation Management LEED Organic Facilities Schools
Updated: 2011-06-10 06:52:24
The Tomato Hornworm has plagued me for many seasons. He loves the things that I love; eggplants, peppers, tomatillos and tomatoes. If he existed on the pages of a Dr. Suess book, I might think that he looked darling and colorful, but when I see him gnawing his way to the stalk on my tomato [...]
Updated: 2011-06-10 06:52:23
All bugs are not created equal. All bugs are not pests. Many bugs can be beneficial to your home garden and should be left alone to reduce the actual PESTS. The only problem is that to the untrained eye, a bug is a bug is a bug. O’ ye of little training! Let’s do some [...]
Updated: 2011-06-10 06:52:22
The different manners of dealing with a rodent infestation are outlined below. We have already addressed a couple of them in our previous articles, namely Sanitation and Exclusion. Predators: The rodents’ natural predators can be a great help to the common homeowner. Our first instinct is to think of the family dog or cat as [...]
Updated: 2011-06-10 06:52:21
Today I will share something very personal with you. Throughout my life, I have experienced numerous trials and tribulations. God has seen fit to regulary test my determination, but mostly my sense of humor. But one incident was near too much to bear. I share this with you in hopes that you can learn from [...]
Updated: 2011-06-09 22:21:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Term Alert Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial Vegetation Management LEED Organic Facilities Schools
Updated: 2011-06-09 02:35:21
Prevention Suggestions for the Most Common Pests in Portland It is usually obvious when it is time to pick up the phone and call a professional pest service to solve a pest problem. However, before a problem even appears is the best time to take some preventative measures that will help avoid bad infestations. Hopefully [...]
Updated: 2011-06-09 01:30:56

First bed bug dog and handler will be arriving back in New Mexico this weekend. Call 505-293-7378(PEST)
Updated: 2011-06-03 23:14:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Term Alert Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial Vegetation Management LEED Organic Facilities Schools
Updated: 2011-06-03 18:25:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1.877.918.9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Term Alert Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial Vegetation Management LEED Organic Facilities Schools
Updated: 2011-06-03 16:07:00
This video is of Clark Pest Control during our Earth day park clean up at Hale Park in Lodi Ca. Video Includes an interview by Emily Hill and of course lots of footage of us cleaning, having fun and...drum roll please...Your very own Clark blogger as "Chicken Man". Hope you all enjoy this video!
Updated: 2011-06-03 15:39:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1.877.918.9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Term Alert Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial Vegetation Management LEED Organic Facilities Schools